Thursday, January 1, 2009

Final Post

Welcome to 2009

I was going to maintain this for one year, and stop in June, but this seems like a good time to stop. 6 months is enough. I have covered some 2500 miles on the bike some miles in the pool and on the ground and feel that it's getting repetitious and I need to finish my book. So thanks for following!

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Tuesday Ride

It hit 80 degrees this afternoon and I was out there for another 2 hour ride, doing the reverse of the route from yesterday. The wind was very strong, from the south, and I caught up with a fellow rider at mile 18 who joined me for the 12 mile ride home. He was faster than I am but I managed to keep up with him slowing every now and then on hills.

So that makes 7 days in a row, and 30 miles each day for the last three.

And my right knee is a little sore so I am unsure about the ride tomorrow.

Monday, December 29, 2008

Monday Ride

Since this is a "dead" week at work, I arrived at my usual 7:30 but skipped out at 2:30 and was on my bike at 3 for a nice leisurely (14 mph) 2 hour ride. Still doesn't feel like "exercise" at this pace, but it must be doing something. Will weigh in at the end of the year and see where I am. Hopefully around 160. Weather tomorrow is supposed to be the same as today. It was sunny and 65 with no wind at 3 PM.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Sunday Ride

Managed to ride for 2 hours today. It was certainly nice and sunny and while there appeared to be little wind, it was there. Saw a lot of people riding today. First a single, then 4 folks then a group of six or seven, including 5 women, and finally on my road home a group of about 30. I didn't know which bike club it was as there are three in the area that large.

So that makes 5 days in a row, the same as Thanksgiving, although three of my days were one hour. The next few days promise to be sunny and I will continue to ride in the afternoon.

Sunday Weather

Calm winds, albeit a little chilly, but by 1 or 2 AM the temps should be around 55 and it's a sunny cloudless day so I will get an easy 2 hours in for my 5th day in a row.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Saturday Ride

Today is my sister's birthday. So Happy Birthday Julie!

It was very windy out there today; about as bad as it gets, and today is was from the west. Did one hour and that was enough. Could be doing 2 hours but lack the motivation and partnership out there. But I have ridden 4 days in a row.

Friday Ride

Despite the wind I rode on Friday, for an hour. It was an unbelievable 80 degrees. The wind was so strong that on one very gentle downhill I was racing along at nearly 40 mph, pedaling furiously in my biggest gear. Hope to get out on Saturday as well.